Edwinoa09’s Weblog

Archive for April 2009

1. admirable: worthy of admiration

2. backup: substitute

3. cache: hiding place

4. destitute: lacking something

5. exile: banishment

FluGen creates a painless gadget for delivering swine flu vaccine

There might be a Swine Flu shot in the near future for you, but who really wants to get stabbed by a sharp needle?It just gives me chills thinking about it. But help could be on the way. The masterminds behind the FluGen figured out a way to deliver vaccine just under the skin, and not into the muscle, which is what hurts so much.

This nifty disposable micro device is a Swine Flu fighter that’s about the size of a poker chip, and with a quick button press, its tiny pump sends the vaccine into a set of micro needles that are barely embedded into the top layer of your skin. You can hardly feel them.

While not the first idea of its type, FluGen’s version is probably going to become reality soon, given the current Swine Flu outbreak. Even better news is that for some reason, this type of multi-pronged shallow injection is more effective against the flu. Also, more people will probably show up for the shot, since it’s allegedly painless. Good timing — bring it on.

1. ambition: strong desire or drive to succeed

2. bracer: one who or that which braces

3. defamatory: injurous to a reputation

4. fibril: small or slenderous fiber

5. leonine: relating to, characteristic of, or resembling a lion

D-roll-laptop-concept-by-Hao-Hua.jpgThe D-roll, or “digital roll,” is what designer Hao Hua considers to be a “next generation laptop design,” as it does away with the book-like form factor in favor of one mimicking an artist’s scroll. Whether or not something like this will even be possible in the near future seems to matter less when you look at how much effort Hua put in the design.

Up above you can see the D-roll set up like a regular laptop, and it’s easy to imagine how portable it’d be all rolled up. There’s an in-between configuration that you could theoretically use to browse email quickly and the straps double as places to plug in your USB devices. It also has a detachable webcam you could use on the computer or wear on your wrist. Though it’s just a concept, it seems there’s some interesting thoughts that laptop designers could incorporate as takeaways from the D-roll.

1. crucible: a severe, searching test or trial

2. droll: amusing in an odd way

3. eccentric:  irregular; erratic; peculiar; odd

4. farce: a light dramatic work in which highly improbable plot situations, exaggerated characters, and often slapstick elements are used for humorous effect

5. ludicrous: causing laughter because of absurdity; provoking or deserving derision; ridiculous; laughable

  • None
  • Wet Saw: gaming computers should have multiple cpu cores and a lot of memory to support those heavy graphics ,"'
  • sonyrolly: nice news thanks admin :)
  • retroed: This is awesome. Funny you posted this I just had an interview with BadBoyBill and he mentioned this but I never saw any video of it. Very cool!
